The value of a smile

El valor de una sonrisa

A smile costs little and produces a lot.
Una sonrisa cuesta poco y produce mucho.
A smile does not cost anything but is worth a lot.
Una sonrisa no cuesta nada pero vale mucho.

It does not impoverish the one who gives it and enriches the one who receives it.
No empobrece a quien la da y enriquece a quien la recibe.
It enriches the ones who receive it without impoverishing those who give it.
Enriquece a quienes la reciben, sin empobrecer a quienes la dan.

It lasts only a moment and it stays in mind forever.
Dura sólo un instante y perdura en el recuerdo eternamente.
It lasts only a moment but it can keep in remembrance forever.
Dura sólo un instante pero su recuerdo puede ser eterno.

It is the outward sign of the deep friendship.
Es la señal externa de la amistad profunda.

There is no one who is so rich that he can live without it,
and there is no one who is so poor that he does not deserve it.
Nadie hay tan rico que pueda vivir sin ella
y nadie tan pobre que no la merezca.

A smile relieves tiredness, renews the strength, and is comfort in sorrow.
Una sonrisa alivia el cansancio, renueva las fuerzas y es consuelo en la tristeza.

A smile has value from the first moment it is given.
Una sonrisa tiene valor desde el comienzo que se da.
A smile has value from the moment it is given.
Una sonrisa tiene valor desde el momento que se da.

If you think a smile does not give you anything, then be generous and give yours
because there is no one who is in so much need of a smile as the one who is not able to smile.
Si crees que a tí la sonrisa no te importa nada, sé generoso y da la tuya,
porque nadie tiene tanta necesidad de la sonrisa, como quien no sabe sonreír.
If you think a smile does not give you anything, then be generous and give some of yours
since no one needs a smile so much as the one who is not able to offer one.
Si crees que a tí la sonrisa no te importa nada, sé generoso y da de las tuyas,
pues nadie necesita tanto de una sonrisa, como aquel a quien no le queda ninguna que ofrecer.

Received in 1998, original author unknown

Stephan K.H. Seidl