Model tp087r1
! Source version 7
! The discontinuities of problem #87 have been softened by means of
! small transition domains. So the objective function becomes fully
! differentiable down to the 2-nd derivative, inclusively.
! The H+S problem dimensions are conserved.
! The obtained solution is better than the one given by H+S.
! Unfortunately, x[2] lies inside such a transition domain.
! That means the solution is sensible but not exact.
! Contrariwise, model tp087r2 yields the exact solution.
! The present file has to be drawn through the m4 macro processor
! at first, with or without `-Drevisedhs'. With the macro
! defined, the feasible domain is reduced in comparison with the H+S
! one such that some unwanted secondary minimum is excluded.
! With FMC, `-Dhavefsign2' can furthermore be given
! to use the perfectly sharp fsign2() function.
bv1 = 1.48477 ! from PROB.FOR
bv2 = 1.48577 ! from H+S, seems to be a typo
bv = bv1 ! my quite clear decision from data below
ubx5hsv1 = 1000 ! from PROB.FOR
ubx5hsv2 = 10000 ! from H+S
ubx5hsv = ubx5hsv1 ! my decision is irrelevant,
! x[5] < ubx5hsv is true in any case
a = 131.078
b = bv
c = 0.90798
arg = 1.47588
d = cos(arg)
e = sin(arg)
ivx5hs = 198.175
lbx5hs = -1000
lbx5r = -18
lbx5 = ifelse(stricths,1,`lbx5hs',`lbx5r')
ubx5hs = ubx5hsv
ubx5r = -10.7
ubx5 = ifelse(stricths,1,`ubx5hs',`ubx5r')
! initialize in accordance with the bounds
! ivx5 = min(ivx5hs,ubx5)
! min() expressed by abs() for APMonitor
ivx5 = (1/2)*(ivx5hs + ubx5 - abs(ivx5hs - ubx5))
midget = 2.0e-38
c2 = 2
c4 = 4
c8 = 8
c16 = 16
ct10 = -2186927100809997/c16
ct11 = 9112324500347/c4
ct12 = -121498919997/c8
ct13 = 101249775/c2
ct14 = -1350001/c16
ct15 = 225/c4
ct20 = -2999100089997/c16
ct21 = 37493500189/c4
ct22 = -1499879997/c8
ct23 = 3749925/c2
ct24 = -150001/c16
ct25 = 75/c4
ct30 = -191985600359997/c16
ct31 = 299987000067
ct32 = -23999519997/c8
ct33 = 14999925
ct34 = -600001/c16
ct35 = 75/c2
sign1[0] = 1
sign1[3] = -1
sign2[0] = 1
sign2[5] = -1
End Parameters
x[1] = 390, >= 0, <= 400
x[2] = 1000, >= 0, <= 1000
x[3] = 419.5, >= 340, <= 420
x[4] = 340.5, >= 340, <= 420
x[5] = ivx5, >= lbx5, <= ubx5
x[6] = 0.5, >= 0, <= 0.5236
End Variables
cons[1] = 300 - x[1] - x[3]*x[4]*cos(b - x[6])/a + c*d*x[3]^2/a
cons[2] = (-1)*x[2] - x[3]*x[4]*cos(b + x[6])/a + c*d*x[4]^2/a
cons[3] = (-1)*x[5] - x[3]*x[4]*sin(b + x[6])/a + c*e*x[4]^2/a
cons[4] = 200 - x[3]*x[4]*sin(b - x[6])/a + c*e*x[3]^2/a
comp1[1] = x[1] - 299
comp1[2] = x[1] - 301
comp2[1] = x[2] - 99
comp2[2] = x[2] - 101
comp2[3] = x[2] - 199
comp2[4] = x[2] - 201
sign1x[1:2] = comp1[1:2]/sqrt(comp1[1:2]^2 + midget)
sign2x[1:4] = comp2[1:4]/sqrt(comp2[1:4]^2 + midget)
sign1[1:2] = ifelse(usefsign2,1,`fsign2(comp1[1:2])',`sign1x[1:2]')
sign2[1:4] = ifelse(usefsign2,1,`fsign2(comp2[1:4])',`sign2x[1:4]')
step1[1:3] = (1 + sign1[0:2])*(1 - sign1[1:3])/4
step2[1:5] = (1 + sign2[0:4])*(1 - sign2[1:5])/4
f1[1] = 30*x[1]
f1[2] = (((((ct15)*x[1] + &
ct14)*x[1] + &
ct13)*x[1] + &
ct12)*x[1] + &
ct11)*x[1] + &
f1[3] = 31*x[1]
f2[1] = 28*x[2]
f2[2] = (((((ct25)*x[2] + &
ct24)*x[2] + &
ct23)*x[2] + &
ct22)*x[2] + &
ct21)*x[2] + &
f2[3] = 29*x[2]
f2[4] = (((((ct35)*x[2] + &
ct34)*x[2] + &
ct33)*x[2] + &
ct32)*x[2] + &
ct31)*x[2] + &
f2[5] = 30*x[2]
f1comb[1] = f1[1]*step1[1]
f1comb[2:3] = f1comb[1:2] + f1[2:3]*step1[2:3]
f2comb[1] = f2[1]*step2[1]
f2comb[2:5] = f2comb[1:4] + f2[2:5]*step2[2:5]
mf = f1comb[3] + f2comb[5]
End Intermediates
cons[1:4] = 0
obj = mf
! best known objective = 8854.997011124169
! begin of best known solution belonging to the revised case
! x[1] = 202.7039339773582
! x[2] = 99.06588958062389
! x[3] = 383.1404626009829
! x[4] = 420
! x[5] = -11.11782763722497
! x[6] = 0.07238952863601766
! end of best known solution belonging to the revised case
! -Urevisedhs, bv = bv1 ! best known objective = 8927.597735497849
! -Urevisedhs, bv = bv1 ! begin of best known solution
! -Urevisedhs, bv = bv1 ! x[1] = 107.8119108434655
! -Urevisedhs, bv = bv1 ! x[2] = 196.3186348342718
! -Urevisedhs, bv = bv1 ! x[3] = 373.8307251782233
! -Urevisedhs, bv = bv1 ! x[4] = 420
! -Urevisedhs, bv = bv1 ! x[5] = 21.30714199731296
! -Urevisedhs, bv = bv1 ! x[6] = 0.1532919773451164
! -Urevisedhs, bv = bv1 ! end of best known solution
! -Urevisedhs, bv = bv2 ! best known objective = 8996.902455641839
! -Urevisedhs, bv = bv2 ! begin of best known solution
! -Urevisedhs, bv = bv2 ! x[1] = 107.5245477851326
! -Urevisedhs, bv = bv2 ! x[2] = 199.0057232887568
! -Urevisedhs, bv = bv2 ! x[3] = 373.7952407681832
! -Urevisedhs, bv = bv2 ! x[4] = 420
! -Urevisedhs, bv = bv2 ! x[5] = 21.6051732345012
! -Urevisedhs, bv = bv2 ! x[6] = 0.1545471445332222
! -Urevisedhs, bv = bv2 ! end of best known solution
End Equations
End Model
Stephan K.H. Seidl